Exploring Market Dynamics of Flowers under Protected Cultivation: A Case Study of Mandi District (H.P.)
Published by: Admin
Authors: Kumari Sandeep, Pooja, Shilpa, Ajit Sharma and Chaman Lal
An economic analysis of flower marketing under protected cultivation was conducted in Mandi district of Himachal Pradesh. A sample of 80 flower growers was randomly selected and categorized into marginal and small farmers based on their farm size. Only one marketing channel was identified for flower marketing in the study area i.e. Producers - Wholesaler/Commission Agent - Retailer – Consumer. Producer’s net price per box was found to be highest in Eustoma (Rs 18500) followed by Lilium (Rs 15000), Gypsophila (Rs 13500), Limonium (Rs 10500) and Carnation (Rs 7819). Marketing costs were highest for Lilium (Rs 969 per box) because of high price of packaging material for Lilium and lowest in Carnation (₹938 per box). Eustoma also had the highest Producer’s share in consumer rupee. The growers faced significant challenges in marketing of flowers like lack of regulated markets, inadequate pricing, transportation issues and limited market information. These findings emphasize the importance of targeted interventions to tackle marketing constraints and improve the efficiency and profitability of protected flower cultivation in the region.
Economic growth, Structure change, Income, NDP
JEL Classification:
O4, Q1, P2