
  • Research articles, Review articles, Research notes and short communications in basic and applied research on economic aspects of agriculture, rural development, allied enterprises, livestock and horticulture development, agricultural engineering and extension are accepted for publication in the Journal of Agricultural Development and Policy.
  • The authors submitting papers to Journal of Agricultural Development and Policy should be members of this society.
  • For papers which are accepted for publication, at least the corresponding/first author should be a life/annual member of JADP.
  • The manuscript submitted for publication should accompany a Declaration/Certificate duly signed by all authors that the paper has not been published elsewhere or is not being submitted in full or part to any other journal for publication elsewhere.
  • The manuscript should be typed in Times New Roman, font size 11 spacing 1.5, not exceeding 12 to 15 pages, whereas tables should be single spaced with same font and style, including tables, figures, diagrams, photographs and appendices.
  • An abstract not exceeding 150 words, italics, single spaced must accompany the paper along with at least four key words and JEL classification. The soft copy of the manuscript may be submitted at
  • Journal of Agricultural Development and Policy is a refereed journal. To protect the anonymity of authors while referring the papers for expert opinion, authors are advised to avoid disclosing their identity in the text and to attach a separate page showing name(s) and affiliation(s) of the author(s) along with any footnotes containing bibliographical information or acknowledgement.
  • Main Headings of the manuscript should be Left aligned and bold, keeping the first letter capitalized as Introduction, Data Sources and Methodology, Results and Discussion, Conclusion and Policy Implications, Acknowledgements and References. The sub-headings/secondary headings of results and discussion should be bold, left-aligned, small case letters with first letter in capital. The scientific names should be in italic.
  • The mathematical notations and statistical formulae should be neatly typed.
  • Only those references which have been cited in the text should be given at the end of the article. They should be arranged in the alphabetical order and each reference should contain the following order: author(s) name(s); year; title of the article; name of the journal; volume and page number. The references should be listed in following manner:
  1. Research Paper: Rosegrant M W and Pingali P I 1994. Policy and technology for rice productivity growth in Asia. Journal of International Development 6:6656-88.
  2. Book: Rosegrant M W and Hazell P B R 2000. Transforming Asian Economy: The Unfinished Revolution. Oxford University Press Inc. New York.
  3. Chapter in a Book or Paper in published proceedings: Kumar P 2001. Agricultural Performance and Productivity, In: Indian Agricultural Policy at the Crossroads, ed: S S Acharya and D P Chaudhri. Rawat Publication, New Delhi, pp.353-476.
  4. Anonymous Publication: Anonymous 1988. Package of Practices for Rabi crops. Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, pp 20-25.
  5. Paper Published in Conference Proceedings: Kapoor B C 2000. Managing in the face of not-so-developed and organized environment. In: Proceedings of National Symposium on Management and Development, held at Institute of Public Administration, Jaipur, 23-25 July, 2000.
  6. Thesis: Singh Yugraj 2017. An Economic Analysis of Maize Production in Punjab. M.Sc. Thesis, submitted to Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana.
  • Long words or terms used repeatedly should be abbreviated using standard abbreviations, wherever necessary. New abbreviations should be spelled out first for reader's convenience and henceforth abbreviations can be used.